I have always been curious of what else is out there. There, in the worlds beyond our own and even farther. Infinite is an insane idea to comprehend; after all, it is hard to understand something that cannot actually be seen. Will the universe keep expanding into what seems like an infinite void? What lays beyond the edge of the universe?
I have my own theory about how the universe acts. I believe that it might be possible that the universe is expanding onto or into itself and that as it expands it also retracts. It is caught in a loop. Perhaps it could be compared to a mobius strip, such that it continues and there is never an actual end. Or, imagine holding a malleable object (perhaps silly putty) in your hands. Form this object into a ball. Then push in the middle of it with your thumbs so that the ends would bend up. Then push those ends into the hole you created and repeat. This theory suggests that the universe will collapse onto itself and continue to grow after. As a result of this we might end up seeing stars get closer instead of farther from us. The reason that we might not have seen this yet is because of the long period of time it takes for this cycle to occur; however, like I said it is just a theory. Even if this theory is correct, it still does not answer the question, what is the universe encompassed by?
Astronomy is an exciting subject to discuss because of the theories that can be formed from the unknown topics of the heavens. There might be something out there that we have yet to even imagine. Whether it is aliens or other planets, the universe is a extravagant place and will always keep me curious as to what is out there.
As you sit "stationary" there reading this, the earth is moving through space at a spot that is infinitesimally small in comparison to the rest of the universe. It is amazing and maybe even scary to think we are so small. There is so much out there! And one day, maybe we will see what we have been missing.
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